Originally founded as
Haskell and Bosworth in 1894 by George Everett Haskell and William W.
Bosworth, and
Haskell and Bosworth later incorporated in Lincoln, Nebraska as The Beatrice
Creamery Company in 1898. The company change its name to Beatrice
Foods Company in 1946 to reflect the change from primarily dairy foods to
grocery products.
News, Information and Documentation on Beatrice
Forbes 1936 Article on Beatrice Creamery Co.
A World of Beatrice Brands- 1969
A World of Beatrice Brands Letter- 1969
The World of Beatrice Brands- 1972
Beatrice Foods Co. History- 1975
Canned Code Information- 1970s' & 1980's
Beatrice Chemical Unit Sold to Imperial Chemical
for $750 Million
Today- May 1987: Beatrice Companies, Inc. Sells Non-Foods Business
USA Today- August 1987: Beatrice Sells Food unit
for $985 Million
Wall Street Journal- August 1987: TLC Group's
Chief Gains Spotlight Overnight With Agreement to Buy Beatrice Cos.
Wall Street Journal- August 1987: Beatrice Cos.
Agrees to Sell International Food Operation
Historical Booklet on WWII era United States Military Uniforms
(Published by Beatrice Creamery)
This hand, easy to carry, booklet has been carefully prepared and is
published to help you readily identify the rank and service of our
fighting men and women.
Meadow Gold: How to Tell 'Em...How to Help 'Em -
Leadership of Beatrice"
George Everett Haskell - President of Beatrice
Creamery Company (founder), from 1894-1919
W. H. Ferguson - President of Beatrice Creamery
Company, from 1919-1927
*Clinton. H. Haskell - President of Beatrice Creamery
Company, from 1927-1952
William G. Karnes - President of Beatrice Foods
Company, from 1952-1976
, from 1976-1980
†, from 1980-1985
Granger -
from 1985-1986
Donald P. Kelly - , from 1986-1988
¥Fredrick B.
Rentschler - , from
ȹDeWitt P. Hoopes - President, CEO & CTO of Beatrice Companies,
Inc., from 2007-present
Beatrice Name Change Through Its History
*1946, Beatrice Creamery Company changed its name
to Beatrice Foods Company.
†1984, Beatrice Foods Company changed its name to Beatrice
Companies, Inc.
§1986, Beatrice
Companies, Inc. is acquired in a leverage buyout (LBO) and taken
¥1987, New company formed called Beatrice Company.
ȹ2007, After a hiatus, Beatrice Companies, Inc. is reactivated.
The Beatrice Way
Financial Analysts. This particular piece was by
Wallace N. Rasmussen, President and Chief Executive Officer in 1976:
Understanding The "Beatrice Way"
Let's look at this difference
-- Our senior and corporate executives have no
special privileges.
-- They work as many hours as other manage-
ment people in the company.
-- An open door policy applies at all levels of
management. Any employee has the oppor-
tunity for direct communication with executive
officers and others on down the line.
-- In keeping with the open door policy, we
listen to everybody concerned in a situation.
We don't make shoot-from-the-hip decisions.
After we have listened and done our research,
then we try to make the right decisions and
move quickly on them.
-- We stress management productivity. We ask
how do our managers spend their time? Too
much time in needless meetings? Too much
time on insignificant projects? Do our people
-- individually -- have a built-in routine or
checking system to assure that we are working
on the important tasks?
-- We ask: Do we begin the day with a plan,
starting with the most difficult and productive
work, or do we take on the endless detail of
the job and find ourselves with no time left for
making any headway on the innovative work
or work we subconsciously view as "extra"?
Often, it's this extra work that has the true re-
wards in value to Beatrice and, consequently,
in the individual's satisfaction in a job well
-- We ask our people to watch company expend-
itures as they do their own.
-- We never accept anything as gospel, but con-
tinually re-examine assumptions since every
thing changes.
-- We avoid "pie in the sky" or over-elaborate
planning. We develop plans for sales, earn-
ings and cash needs for one year, two years,
three years -- yes, even five years out. We
keep plans simple and on target with the real
job, and avoid planning for appearance's
-- The phrase "think big, think small" applies to
all functional areas of work at Beatrice.
"Think big" means that all management people
must have broad overall plans and objectives.
But they should not set themselves up
as super executives who consider detail too
mundane to follow.
"Think small" means keeping a balance between
detail and broader management aspects
without becoming detail-oriented.
Decentralization, a word common to many cor-
porations, is more than a word at Beatrice.
It's 14 divisions, 54 groups and 400 profit centers.
It's management productivity -- or the work ethic.
It's aggressiveness in pursuing profits.
It's giving away enough of your job to subordinates
to enable them to share in the "fun" of work.
It's maintaining a climate that encourages people
to work to their fullest capacity without undue
interference and it's continually guarding against
inroads that threaten this keystone of Beatrice's
Decentralization is permitting the profit center
manager to be the "president" of his "company."
Of allowing him to make all operating decisions
other than how the profits will be spent. He develops
his own successor. He decides what products
to produce, how they should be merchandised,
how they should be marketed and how they should
be priced. The result is that we have 400 managers
who are equipped through operating experience to
"run" a company rather than just carry out directives
from a higher authority.
Finally, the most critical and characteristic
attribute of the Beatrice Way:
Maintain an atmosphere that allows -- in fact,
encourages -- individuals to commit themselves to
job responsibility.
Two words we use constantly.
First, balance. Maintain balance in your own life,
your job, your product mix and the people in your
Second, responsibility. At Beatrice, everyone
has the responsibility to do his own job. This
climate is not an accident.
Top management continually evaluates how its
Actions and those of the corporate office affect the
company. Each of us makes critical self-evaluations
of how our actions or lack of actions affect
the attitudes of the people on our teams.
A critical area of responsibility shared by each
Beatrice manager is the bottom line -- profit. In
being responsible for keeping the balance between
people and expenditures, he watches cash flow to
insure his operation justifies capital expenditures.
He also takes responsibility for improved dollar
sales and dollar units of productivity per employee.
Social responsibility in the communities in
which we operate is a long-term Beatrice tradition.
Managers and other employees are urged to help
build stronger and better communities. We must, if
we are to survive in business, take on more social
responsibilities -- not to the detriment of the company,
but in order to perpetuate the communities
in which Beatrice markets its products.
We must face up to the responsibility for our free
market system. We must increase our efforts to
convince people that American business is critical
to the nation's growth.
My intention has been to try to outline what I see
as the "secrets" of Beatrice. Call it what you want:
A Beatrice tradition or philosophy, or just good
management. It's something special, something
we don't want to lose and something I hope each
and every one of our management people strives to
pass on and fights to prevent losing.
It's the Beatrice difference.