Historical Products

This page contains a comprehensive list of former Beatrice owned brands/companies. Many of these brands are now owned by other companies, and a few no longer are around.
List of Brands Owned by “Legacy Beatrice”
- Absopure distilled and spring water
- Acryon leisure and household products
- Adams International snack food machinery
- Adisa snack foods
- A.H.Schwab children’s play products
- Ailiram biscuits and confections
- Airstream
- Allison leisure apparel
- All-Pro leisure apparel
- Almay hypo-allergenic cosmetics
- Altoids
- American Hostess ice cream
- American Pickles
- Antoine’s food products
- Aqua Queen garden equipment
- Argosy recreational vehicles
- Arist O’ Kraft cabinets
- Armitage Realty Co.
- Arrowhead bottle water
- Artic ice cream
- Assumption Abbey wine products
- Aunt Nellie’s food products
- Avan recreational vehicles
- Avis car rental
- Banner painting equipment
- Barbara Dee cookies
- Barcrest beverage mixes
- Barrons table specialty meats
- Beatreme dairy products and flavorings
- Beatrice dairy products
- Becky Kay’s cookies
- Beefbreak meat specialties
- Beeforcan meat specialties
- Beneke bathroom accessories
- Best Jet painting equipment
- Bickford food products
- Bighorn specialty meats
- Big Pete specialty meats
- Bireley’s orange drink (Asahi Soft Drinks)
- Blue Boy ice cream
- Blue Ribbon condiments
- Blue Valley Creamery Company
- Body Shaper plumbing supplies
- Bogene closet accessories
- Boizet specialty food products
- Bonanza mini-motorhomes
- Bonkers cat treats
- Bosman barbecue equipment
- Boquitas Fiestas snack foods
- Bowers candies
- Bredan butter
- Brenner candy
- Brookside wine products
- Brown Miller condiments
- Bubble Stream plumbing equipment
- Burny Bakers food products
- Butterball
- Butterchef Bakery
- Buttercrust baked goods
- Buxton leather accessories
- Byrons barbecue
- California Products beverage mixes
- Callard & Bowser confections
- Camofrio sausage, luncheon and specialty meats
- Campus Casuals sport clothing
- Captain Kids food products
- Cartwheels travel bags
- CCA Furniture accessories
- Chapelcord school and religious apparel
- Charmglow barbecue grills and outdoor products
- Checkers beverages
- Chicago red wine products
- Chicago specialty plumbing tools and supplies
- Chipy snack foods
- Choky hot chocolate
- Churngold condiments
- Cincinnati Fruit condiments and fountain syrups
- Citro Crest beverage mixes
- Clark candy
- Classic travel bags
- Classy Crisps
- Cook n’ Cajun barbecue equipment
- Colonial cookies
- Costello’s food products
- Country Hearth baked goods
- County Line cheeses
- Cow Boy Jo’s meat specialties
- Cremo milk and ice cream
- Culligan
- C.W. pickles
- Dannon yogurt
- Danskin bodywear
- David Lau Food products
- Davy Jones candy
- Dearborn brass home improvement equipment
- Decora cabinets
- Dell condiments
- Delmar interior design
- Delta Food products
- Denyer-Dans specialty meats
- Derby tamales
- Dixie Lily food products
- Doll oriental foods
- Dopp travel bags
- Doumak marshmallows
- Eckrich
- E.R. Moore school and religious apparel
- Europe food bars
- Everain garden equipment
- Excello painting supplies
- Farelon school and religious apparel
- Fashionarir travel bags
- Fiesta specialty foods
- Fireside marshmallows
- Fisher nuts
- Flavor Ripe specialty food products
- Flee Bags travel bags
- Flygon electrical barbecue equipment
- Fortshimth Folding tables and chairs
- Food Producers International (FPI) specialty foods
- Franprix food distribution
- Gambils food products
- Gebhardt Mexican foods
- GFI specialty meats
- Givenchy hoisery
- Gladiola food products
- Gold Medal beverages
- Good & Plenty
- Gourmet ice cream
- Grandmother Joshua specialty products
- Great Bear bottle water
- Grove Crest beverage mixes
- Guangmei snack foods
- Guasti wine products
- G & W pizzas
- Halston Orlane fragrances and skin care products
- Handee Ram Rod plumbing supplies
- Handiform closet accessories
- Happy Daz school and religious apparel
- Harmon Kardon high-fidelity components
- Hart skis
- Hawaii’s Own fruit drinks
- Heckman furniture
- Holiday Homes mobile homes
- Holland dairy products
- Holanda ice cream and ice cream stores
- M.J. Holloway’s candy
- Homemaker leisure and household products
- Hotel Bar butter
- Hot Foot leisure and household products
- Hunt’s
- Indiana moulding and frame-furniture
- Irwinware bar accessories
- Jacobsen mobile homes
- Jacks snack foods
- Jax furniture accessories
- Jetstream garden equipment
- Jhirmack hair care products
- John Hancock outdoor furniture
- Johnston’s yogurt
- Jolly Rancher
- Jubilee specialty food products
- Kalise ice cream
- Keller’s butter and eggs
- KeyKo condiments
- Kleen Stream plumbing products
- Kneip specialty meats
- Kobey’s
- Krispy Kreme
- La Choy
- Lady Betty condiments
- La Menorquina ice cream
- Lambrecht pizza
- Lara Lynn food products
- Latums baked goods
- Liberty condiments
- Light ‘n’ Fresh baked goods
- Lignoflex food products
- Liken interior design
- Little Brownie cookies and baked goods
- Little Pete plumbling supplies
- Longhorn food products
- Long Life aseptic dairy
- Loomcrafted interior design products
- Lords candy
- Louis Sherry ice cream, frozen deserts
- Lowrey’s specialty meats
- Luxuria leisure and household products
- Ma Brown jams, jellies, pickles
- Magnolia bathroom accessories
- Manhattan mobile homes
- Marionette condiments
- Mario olives
- Mark Force Vatco travel accessories
- Martha White
- Max Factor cosmetics
- Max H. Kahn curtains
- Meadow Gold
- Melnor garden equipment
- Migros food distribution
- Milk Duds
- Mills wine products
- Molly Bushell confections
- Monticello sport shirts
- Monzini collection sport shirts
- Moorewear school and religious apparel
- Morgan Yacht Company
- Mother’s Best food products
- Mountain High yogurt
- Mt. Ida olives
- Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer
- Murray’s food products
- Nat Nast sportswear
- New Yorker mobile homes
- N-Rich non-dairy creamer
- Now and Later
- Nuttall’s confections
- Olive Products condiments
- Olympian sportswear
- Omega travel bags
- Optima & Wonderloom school and religious apparel
- Orville Redenbacher’s
- Ovenmates household goods
- The Ozarka Spring Water Company
- Palmeto baked goods
- Pan Free beverage mixes
- Payco ice cream and novelties
- Patra fruit juices and drinks
- Pauly natural cheese
- Pepi’s meat specialty products
- Pernigotti confections and snack foods
- Peter Pan
- Phoenix candy
- Pico Grande wine products
- Pik-Nik
- Pitegoff painting supplies
- Playtex
- Plum De Veal veal products
- Premier is ice cream
- Princess House closet accessories
- Pyramid modular homes
- Rainbo food products
- Rainwave garden equipment
- Reasor modular homes
- Reber food products
- Record food distribution
- Red Tulip candy
- Reddi wip whipped cream
- R.F. specialty meats
- Richardson candy
- Rid-O-Ray electrical barbecue equipment
- Robert’s cookies
- Rosarita
- Round the Clock hosiery
- Royal Crest yogurt
- Rusty Jones
- Samsonite patio furniture, hand and soft side luggage
- Sanson ice cream
- Savoy confections and biscuits
- Sexton Foods
- Shedd’s
- Smith Kendon Confections
- Stew Starter/Soup Starter
- Stiffel Lamps
- Stute jams and fruit juices
- Swift Ice Cream
- Switf meats
- Swiss Miss
- Switzer licorice
- Tayto snack foods
- Termicold storage
- Treasure Cave blue cheese
- Tropicana
- Van Camp confections
- Viva low fat milk and cottage cheese
- Waterloo Industries tool boxes and chests
- Webcraft specialty printing and paper products
- Wesson
- Wilson specialty meats
- World Dryer hand dryers